Do you live/work in Newham? Or do you know anyone who does? If so, we need your help!
We recently applied for some funding from People Powered Places to train Yoga teachers for FREE to work amongst the community in Newham.
Great news- we've been shortlisted!
Removing barriers & creating opportunity
As some of you may know, Yoga teacher training costs can be extensive and therefore inaccessible for many. Our aim is to remove the financial barrier to wellbeing and provide 8-10 women the opportunity to transform their lives and the lives of their community through the gift of yoga. They will be trained and qualified to teach Nature's Rhythm Yoga at the end of the course.
Where you come in!
We will be at Stratford Library tomorrow: (3 The Grove, Stratford, E15 1EL) presenting our proposal with the other bidders. Please come and see us and vote for us!!
If you are unable to come and support us in person- please look out for out for the link to vote - which we will send out tomorrow. We can't do this without you - thank you for your support!
Best wishes, Andrea, Shahana & Maggie Founders and Yoga teachers at BHY See the summary of our bid here!
Follow us on instagram: @buckhursthillyoga @infin8space_tlc